The Corgi, the dog so dear to Elizabeth II

Famous for being the favorite dog of the late Queen Elizabeth II, here are the characteristics and qualities of the Corgi< /strong>
Its ancient origins come from the land of princes and future kings, or from Wales, more precisely from Pembrokeshire to the south-west of the county.
And if for many centuries, the Welsh Corgi Pembroke – this is its real name – has been used as a sheepdog, it is only for about fifty years has it become famous for being the regal dog par excellence.
A status symbol acquired by being the dog much loved by Her Majesty Elizabeth II, who passed away a few days ago and whose funeral will be celebrated on September 19th.
Queen Elizabeth had as many as 30 corgis over the course of her long life, famous as the “queen’s dogs”. All descendants of Susan, Elizabeth’s first dog given to her by her father King George VI for her eighteenth birthday, and from whom she almost never separated.
Her Majesty’s group of her four-legged friends also included the Dorgis, mixed breeds born from the crossbreeding of a corgi with a dachshund.
The general characteristics of the Corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a small lively, curious and very intelligent dog. Although small in size, its character is similar to that of a larger dog. In particular, a working dog, recalling its origins as a sheepdog guarding cows.
However, the corgi easily adapts to both city and country life, and due to its small appearance it adapts perfectly suited to apartment living, needing little space. It is important for him to receive affection and to be guaranteed moments of play.
Physical characteristics
The corgi is distinguished by its characteristic fox-like head, very short legs and whether or not it has a tail.
Its coat, often uniform, can be of different colors: red, fawn, black and sand.
His short fur requires little care (which does not mean any hygienic attention) and has excellent protection against the cold and the humid being equipped with a thick undercoat.
The character of the Corgi
This regal little dog has many character qualities: he is obedient, sociable, faithful, extroverted and very active.
Although he doesn’t require strenuous physical activity, he loves being outdoors. The corgi is therefore a cheerful and never aggressive dog, which is why it is considered suitable for being in contact with children in the family.
They are also well-mannered and clean dogs. It can be trained in obedience and agility tests, but by its nature remains an excellent guard dog like its ancestors.
The price of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy, tested and with pedigree, is between 1,500 and 2,200 euros.
It is advisable to purchase the puppy only from serious breeders and breed selectors. This is because it is indeed a demanding breed, not only on a character and morphological level, but also in terms of health. In fact, serious breeders test their breeders for genetic diseases to have healthy litters, of good character and respectful of the breed standard.
The Welsh Corgi Pembroke’s diet must obviously be of excellent quality.
Hygiene care instead must be maintained by carrying out seasonal grooming during moulting times, carried out by a good professional or by the owner himself.
As well as weekly cleaning and for which we suggest our Aries product lines designed for various types of hair.