How to distinguish a biological product from a non-biological one
Those who buy “biological” products are aware not only to make a healthy choice, also to be on the side of those who protect nature, animals and their environment. Therefore, at Aries Natural Solutions we pay particular attention to the biological components of our lines of detergents for the care and hygiene of dogs and cats.
Precisely because we know the complexity of the biological world, we want to give you in this article some very important tips avoiding running into products not really so eco bio.
Although there are many products that indicate a biological origin, it should be borne in mind that unfortunately “all that glitters is not gold”.
So if you want to have a guarantee that the products, in this case cosmetics for the dog and the cat, that you are buying are natural, follow the precautions that we are going to give you and that will allow you to distinguish a truly biological product from another not really biological.
There is biological and biological
Despite the infinity of detergents and treatments on the market, know that it is not enough that on the packaging there is the word “bio” to define that product is really of biological origin.
As for food, the cosmetics of the pet industry must also be made with ingredients from biological agriculture.
So, if you want to benefit from natural-based products, pay close attention to what you buy. Also because, there exist differences between biological and non-biological products and they are not even so few.
An example? Read our article on the benefits of Plant Keratin for the coat of the dog and cat and you will get an idea.
When is a product considered biological?
According to European regulations it is defined “biological any product of plant or animal origin obtained through a working process that provides for the total absence of external elements, in favour instead of those that nature makes available”. In Italy, to be considered such, a product must contain at least 95% of components from biological agriculture.
But what is meant by Biological Agriculture? It is a production system that does not include in any of the production phases the use of chemical substances, such as herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or ionizing radiation.
The only fertilisers used during the production phases are natural ones, such as animal manure and organic compost. Moreover, like the production phase, the soil, which has been immune to chemicals for at least three years, is subject to strict safety controls.
All production is however regulated by the European Union legislation n.834/2007 which establishes what are the criteria and rules to be followed to produce organically and receive the labelling of products of biological origin.
Certificates attesting that a cosmetic product is biological
Also in the field of detergents and cosmetics of the pet there are two important certifications that guarantee that a company is really dedicated to the production of biological origin.
These are the AIAB and VEGAN certifications, of which you who follow us will have had the opportunity to know because some of our products, such as those of the Bio-Pro Line, have received these important brands.
For those who do not know them, these are certifications that guarantee the consumer that the product purchased is the result of agriculture or farming of biological nature.
The Aiab certification
The Italian Association of Biological Agriculture (AIAB) certifies biological products made by Italian companies according to standard criteria that prohibit the use of chemical pesticides.
The AIAB brand is the first recognition on biological cosmetics in our country, it guarantees compliance with disciplinary rules and the use of good practices. That is: the use of only vegetable raw materials not allergenic and irritating; the use of agricultural and zootechnical products from Biological Agriculture.
The Vegan certification
This certification is very significant for the sector of all cosmetics, even those intended for the care of dogs and cats.
The Vegan certification in fact attests that a product or food has been obtained by excluding any substance of animal origin at every stage of its realization.
Unfortunately, the use of ingredients of animal origin is widespread in the cosmetics industry, including animal testing, which is still permitted in some countries.
For this reason, the recognition of the Vegan brand on biological products is fundamental.
In conclusion, if you notice on the labels the two brands AIAB and Vegan, you can safely proceed with the purchase because they are really products from biological origin.