Abandoning the dog or the cat is a crime!

Every year in summer there is a large number of abandonments of dogs and cats.
Yet there is a law that punishes with prison those who abandon or mistreat animals.
If in summer many dogs live the joy of going on holiday with their owners, many others unfortunately are destined to live a real nightmare.
It is in the summer period in fact, that a good part of our four-legged friends is facing the human selfishness, because every year in the months between June and August there is a high number of abandonments.
If on the one hand, there are those who love to go on holiday with the beloved fido – in an article we gave you some tips on “how to avoid any problems at sea” – on the other there are those who decide to get rid of it in the worst way, as if it were a burden.
High number of abandonments
The high number of abandonments, although difficult to understand from a human and civil point of view, shows that in Italy the law is undervalued, or worse still not exactly known (Article 727 of the Penal Code) which states that the abandonment and mistreatment of animals is a crime punishable under criminal law.
The blame, perhaps, also lies with the institutions that do little, or nothing, to apply it, especially in the southern regions. That is why many argue that this law should not only be applied but also tightened up.
And this is because, given the phenomenon so widespread, there are still many who think that taking a pet is nothing, almost a game, only to discover that it requires so much commitment, sacrifice and above all responsibility.
Awareness campaigns against abandonment
Although there is a lot of talk about it on social media and in all media, it remains to understand why it is so common to adopt a dog or a cat, or any pet, without any knowledge of what it means to take care of it.
Just as it remains to understand why there are so many who do not seem intimidated by the law that considers abandonment a crime.
Yet there is no lack of journalistic articles on the abandonment of dogs and complaints of former owners, and the danger of the increase in the phenomenon of stray dogs.
There is also no lack of awareness campaigns by animal welfare associations against abandonment and mistreatment of dogs and cats.
Last year the ENPA, the National Animal Protection Agency, calculated that in the months of June, July and August the phenomenon of abandonment and disposal of dogs, with its entry into kennels, had increased by 20%. This is not acceptable.
The interesting Facebook page of two lawyers
The list of associations that are committed to combating the abandonment of animals is long. Precisely because so many, we would like to point out the interesting work carried out by the law firm La Russa & Messineo.
Through the homonymous Facebook page “Lawyers and Animal Law – Larussa & Messineo” (which we invite you to follow) the two lawyers explain to their followers the law that protects animals and condemns as a crime any type of violence and abuse.
In their social page the two lawyers, in addition to making the law known, involve at the same time the owners of dogs and cats to collaborate in the work of raising awareness against the abandonment of furry friends.
The Law: Article 727 of the Penal Code
Having mentioned it several times, let us now find out in detail what the law that protects animals says, focusing on the issue of abandonment.
As already mentioned, in Italy the abandonment is prohibited pursuant to article 727 of the penal code, which in paragraph 1 reads: “Anyone who abandons pets or who has acquired habits of captivity is punished with the arrest up to a year or with the fine of 1,000 to 10,000 euros”.
Aries at the side of animal friends
Taking direct care of four-legged friends, Aries Natural Solutions join the awareness campaign against abandonments that increase exponentially every summer.
We are increasingly convinced that the lightness with which they are adopted or purchased, often on birthdays or to please their children, must find an end.
In our opinion, it is necessary not only to enforce the existing law, but also to intensify the information campaign to understand the seriousness of abandoning your dog or cat, with related criminal risks being a full-fledged crime.